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Be You Crew: It’s an offbeat BU booster

What is Be You Crew? From sidewalk chalk, to Facebook status alerts, to web videos, Be You Crew is creating a buzz on Belmont’s campus.

The website,, launches a new “episode of the week” every Sunday night at 10 following a Facebook “status bomb” at 9:55.

“Be You Crew is giving people something at Belmont to be proud of, to be a part of,” said sophomore and co-creator Josh Helton.

Be You Crew is partnered with Front Porch Ministry, the recipient of all contributions.

“The idea came one night when Aaron Sheets [co-creator] and I were watching funny YouTube videos,” Helton said. “Both of our passions are to live life to the fullest and bring hope to people.”

Anyone that “joins the crew” on the website has the opportunity to help out, whether by making a donation, submitting ideas, or just spreading the word.  There are also chances to get involved by joining the Facebook group.

“A lot of time and energy is being put into this. Ultimately, it’s up to the Belmont community for it to make an impact,” Helton said.

There are opportunities for solo artists and bands to promote themselves in the weekly “band of the month” portion.

Helton gave a charge to the Belmont community saying, “This is Belmont’s thing. You only do college once, do it big!”



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