For the second time this semester, Belmont Boulevard has become the scene of an off-campus group protest. This time, however the intent was for a more spiritual cause.
The two men, one likely Kerrigan Skelly, founder of PinPoint Evangelism, began preaching to the students at approximately 11 a.m. Tuesday morning. Their message, transmitted over a loud speaker, and tall sign caused a large group of students, exceeding 75 at one point, to gather outside of the Curb Cafe.
Metro Police have confirmed the men are part of Pinpoint Evangelism, a evangelical ministry founded by Skelly whose mission is to “reach the lost and train the found,” according to their website.
“Right now we just have an individual expressing his rights,” said Metro police officer Emily Davies. “We’re just going to wait until we’ve either got an issue or just let him talk. Maybe he’ll get worn down.”
Skelly and his unidentified preaching partner were careful to stay on Metro property, the sidewalk, while informing students that they are “giving up their soul for their potty mouth.”
During Skelly’s sermon, several students acted out in front of the duo. One student “Tebowed” in front of Skelly, while two more decided to “plank.”
“I don’t know what the purpose of this was. He’s talking at people not with them,” said Belmont senior Micheal Sirelli. “If he wanted to start a conversation, there’s a better way. He wasn’t getting his point across.”
While Skelly’s antics received heckling from the majority of the crowd, a few students were thoughtful about Skelly’s intent.
“It’s sad some of the things he’s saying. I guess in a way you could say God is working through him because it’s causing some of us out here to think about what we believe,” said Allen Davies, a Belmont senior. “However, he is contradicting himself by saying that ‘God is all about love’ then turns the sign around that says we’re all going to hell.”
The unidentified member of the preaching duo reportedly had his headset stolen by a female runner.