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Greekcap: A look back at last semester

Whether you’re talking about the yogurt, the citizens of the economically-recovering country or Belmont’s sororities and fraternities, it’s a good time to be Greek.

Belmont’s six Greek organizations are growing exponentially, raising funds to match.

And their statistics from last semester prove it.

Below are some facts and figures from the fall 2014 semester, including statements from each of the Greek organization’s presidents and awards earned.

Fundraising is done primarily through official events. The total amount of money raised does not necessarily reflect on the quality of the organizations, but on the number of events held. Some organizations traditionally earn the majority of their money in spring semester, while others make greater strides in the fall.

  1. Alpha Gamma Delta: Trick-or-Treat for Change – Highlight the Night (w/ PKT)

  2. Alpha Sigma Tau: Teeter-Totter (w/ ATO) – Jamba Juice Fundraiser

  3. Alpha Tau Omega: Disco is Dead? – Teeter-Totter

  4. Kappa Alpha Theta: Pay to Pie an Eta Phi

  5. Phi Mu: Bonnamu (w/ Phi Mu Alpha)

  6. Phi Kappa Tau: Highlight the Night – Ask Phi Tau

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