Sierra Jones is a freshman math major with a Spanish minor from Huntsville, Ala.
As a military child, she has moved a few times growing up. Her father is her role model.
Jones has a passion for volunteering. She especially enjoys tutoring and spending time with inner-city children.
She loves reading. Her favorite book is “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers and her favorite movie is “When the Game Stands Tall.”
Jones prefers fruit over dessert, but if she had to choose, her favorite dessert would be apple pie, she said. She loves the restaurant Nothing but Noodles and her ideal vacation spot is Honolulu.
The guard is grateful for her loving and welcoming teammates.
“I’ve grown spiritually and mentally because of them,” said Jones. “They taught me a lot as a freshman and have taken me into their own arms, and I appreciate that.”
Jones’ dream is to play in the WNBA, but would love to teach ninth grade inner-city children as well, she said.
“I play for God,” said Jones. “I grew up in a Christian home, and that’s always why I’ve been grounded — because he’s the one that gave me the talent, so I give him the glory for it.”
Photo Courtesy: Ben McKeown/Belmont Athletics