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Emily Garver

PharmaBox Phenomenon

Photo Courtesy of Emily Garver

A recent addition to the Belmont campus arrived on the first floor of Harrington Place Dining Hall near the stairs.  


The 24/7 all-access PharmaBox is in vending machine form, dispensing everything from band-aids to some over-the-counter medications.  


“PharmaBox is meant to complement, not replace, the comprehensive resources already available on campus.”  Director of Auxiliary Services Kelli Davis said in a statement to the Vision. 


The aim for this machine is to allow students to access generic medications at any time of day without having to go off-campus. 


The location and access for students in the Johnson Center not only serves the needs of students, but visitors, faculty and staff as well.  


Students are still encouraged to utilize the facilities of the pharmacy, medical services and other organizations that support students’ health and wellness. 


Although these on-campus services are certainly helpful, they only operate during business hours, which is where the PharmaBox comes in.  


The outcome of the PharmaBox is aimed to increase the facilitation of student needs both medically and physically to receive timely and crucial care, imperative to student success at Belmont, Davis said. 


The inspiration for the PharmaBox was through Mercer University’s program. 


Belmont’s auxiliary services team observed the successes in other campuses across the country and implemented a similar program here on campus. 


We hope PharmaBox will encourage students to prioritize their health by making it easier to access essential products when the campus pharmacy is closed,” Davis said.  


 This article was written by Emily Garver

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