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PHOTO STORY: Greek Sing 2023

Isaac Wetzel

Belmont’s Panhellenic sororities and one of the fraternities raised $127,199 Sunday for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; the fundraiser brought in more than double their goal of $50,000 through their concert-like event, Greek Sing.

The sold-out event featured themed dance numbers and vocal performances from each group: Phi Mu, Alpha Sigma Tau, Phi Tau, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Gamma Delta and Belmont dance groups Ignite and RVX.

Rehearsing since January, the students put on a performance that got the crowd clapping, screaming and donating thousands of dollars on the night of the event.

Students from Phi Mu sing during one of their multiple themes, “Phight Night."

Alpha Sigma Tau take to the stage with songs inspired by classic rock hits.

Phi Tau “breaks the Internet” with a hip-shaking performance.

Ignite, Belmont’s dance team, joins the Greek life for a dance number.

Phi Tau “breaks the Internet” with a hip-shaking performance.

RVX, Belmont’s K-pop cover dance team, also performed various routines.

Students from Kappa Alpha Theta sing songs inspired by James Bond” in their performance, “No Time Like Eta Phi 007.”

Alpha Gamma Delta ended the event with a blazing performance.

This article was written and photographed by Isaac Wetzel


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