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Zydel confirms recording

Danny Zydel told Student Government Association Monday he was fired from his residence assistant job earlier this month for recording a conversation between him and University President Bob Fisher without Fisher’s knowledge.

Zydel addressed rumors of his dismissal from his position as an RA in Patton Hall at the SGA meeting Monday night.

The situation started when Zydel said he was not happy with the answers given by senior leadership at SGA’s town hall meeting on Sept. 24, so he set up a meeting with Fisher the following Friday.

Zydel described the meeting as “very tense,” and set up second follow-up meeting with Fisher, which he then recorded.

Fisher found out about the recording and “wasn’t too happy about that,” Zydel said to about 40 SGA representatives and 20 student leaders who attended the SGA meeting.

On Nov. 10 during the Vision 2020 Town Hall Zydel asked Fisher about making the consolidated student fee breakdown publicly available to students.

Fisher replied that it had already been made public and that Zydel “had a lot of information” that he could make public. Zydel claims that Fisher was referring to the tape.

Zydel met with University Counsel Jason Rogers the same day where he was informed that he would be dismissed from his RA position. Zydel claims it was due to recording the conversation. He is waiting further disciplinary action.

Fisher had no comment this morning when contacted about the recording.

This article was written by Kirk Bado and Will Hadden.



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