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Zydel fired from RA position in Patton

Junior Danny Zydel was fired from his resident assistant job in Patton Hall on Monday and will officially be removed from the position at the end of the semester.

Zydel, president of Student Activities Programming Board and Belmont presidential scholarship recipient, was dismissed by Jason Rogers, university council.

Anthony Donovan, director of Residence Life, confirmed the firing but declined comment. Dr. Jeffery Burgin, associate dean of students and supervisor of Residence Life, said he, too, could not comment on the issue because it was an employment matter.

Zydel said he was told he was fired for an ethical violation outside the Bruin Guide concerning his employment with the university

As a resident assistant,  Zydel earned free room in addition to pay for hourly work at the front desk of the hall.

Since he is also a presidential scholar, room and board is covered by his scholarship, instead of his job, which amounts to a free ride for four years or about $160,000.

Zydel said he was told further disciplinary action from the administration is being considered.



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